Category: Financial

By Chris Berry of Disruptive Discoveries Journal

I have recently returned from Hong Kong where I was privileged to deliver a keynote address at the 121 Mining Investment Forum. In an environment which is crying out for a new conference model, the founders at 121 are on to something. There is an institutional appetite in Asia for mining deals despite the cyclical and structural disinflationary headwinds that appear to be intensifying.

My motive in attending the conference, aside from networking, was to get a feel for how Asia-based investors viewed the metals markets and what sort of questions they were asking. With institutions from Hong Kong, mainland China, Australia, and other countries in attendance, I figured I’d get a good cross section of ideas not skewed by a North American viewpoint. I list each of these ideas or insights below with short commentary, but perhaps the most interesting point was that the fundamental question we in North America and Europe are asking ourselves is EXACTLY the same in Asia.

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