Category: Uncategorized
June 7, 2002

News Release: 167, Priority Targets for Kimberlite

Dianor Resources Inc. is pleased to announce that the Company has received confirmation of title from the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources (QMNR) for 720 claims units covering 167 high priority targets for kimberlites in the Otis-La Grande and Wemindji areas of James Bay, Quebec. Dianor now has confirmed title to a total of 240 properties covering 72,935 hectares (180,222 acres) in Northern Quebec for diamond exploration. WEMINDJI REGION:

Dianor and Wemindji Exploration Inc. (Wemex) as part of the Wachiya Agreement (press releases 14th February and March 5th 2002) obtained claims on Category 2 lands located to the North and South of Category 1 lands at Wemindji. All the targets were selected and ranked, based on geology, geophysics and geomorphological features.

These properties are located in the general vicinity of Dianor's diamond discoveries on the PEM 1404 property (press releases 4th June 2001 and March 1st 2002) and in the vicinity of and around recently acquired properties (press release 21st February 2002) that contain kimberlite indicator minerals (pyrope garnet and chrome diopside)

Phase one of field exploration 2002 has recently begun and will consist of prospecting, till sampling, soil geochemistry and ground geophysics. All should be completed around July 21st 2002. A 2 weeks break will be necessary to analyze all data obtained, in order to begin Phase two middle of August 2002.

Dianor is an innovative exploration company: first diamond discovery in the history of Quebec (press release June 4th 2001 and March 1st 2002), the first to have signed a historic partnership agreement with the Cree Nation (press release February 14th 2002) and the first to obtain kimberlite indicator minerals in the James Bay region outside of the Wemindji region (press release February 21st 2002). Dianor is focused on diamond exploration. TEL: (450) 622-4200 Mr. David McDonald CEO

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